Thursday, January 8, 2009

That's Life

The holidays have come and gone and now everyone I know is back to their routines while I am left to decide what my future will look like until I depart for the World Race.  I knew that returning from Haiti would present challenges, especially coming back to America during the Christmas season.  Had it only been for the reverse culture shock, I think I would have done reasonably well.  However, a lot of other things happened very quickly and I got to a point where I felt like I couldn't take anymore.

Talking things out with a friend I remember saying how excited I was to be going on the World I felt like this was the direction I needed to be I think God is going to teach me so much through it....and how I almost expected things to be a challenge since the roller coaster of life seems to take the largest fall after we're on top of the world.  I remember thinking, "Ok, I can see things happening that are going to challenge my attitude and my decision to go on this mission trip."  Looking back, I realize that I had put things into two categories....things that were ok to be challenged, and things that I relied on to heavily for them to be messed with.  Well, if you want to render someone ineffective, you challenge the latter of those two options....and that's what happened.

Relationships fell through, other changed considerably, things I relied on and put hope in have proved only to be temporary.  And while all this was happening I knew God was saying, "You still have a choice.  Will you let this take you out of the game, or will you rely on me and continue to move forward?"  To be honest, I felt like I didn't want to continue.  I wanted to get mad at people, to say that life had dealt me a raw deal, that God didn't care what I was going through.  But the more I thought about this option, the more I realized I'd regret it in the future.  I knew that swallowing my pride and trusting God may not be the easiest choice, but it would be the only decision to bring joy back into my life.  It has been hard and a continual struggle to trust God, but I am so grateful God gave me the insight to see what was going on.  If this life lesson had to come, I'm thankful it came when it did.  To have my family and close friends near-by, for them to be patient and let me work through my emotions, and to have their support, has been an amazing gift.

On another note, I'm currently in Cincinnati trying to catch up with old friends and raise support for the World Race.  Raising support has proven to be quite the challenge and a humbling experience.  I know God will provide everything, but He also doesn't mind making me a little uncomfortable in the process.  Thank you to everyone who has been praying for me and for giving to the ministry I'm a part of.  It has been great to see college friends and the hospitality I've encountered reminds me why I love the people here.  I'm still trying to determine what I'm doing for the next few months, but I'm enjoying time with friends while I figure everything out.


amanda said...

Ok matt so this might be the longest comment ever posted on your blog but it was something i was reading today and for me to summarize it would be disastrous b/c i don't summarize well so here is what i was reading from my favorite author at the moment (Henri Nouwen)...His journal entry on May 13, 1986 is titled "Our Restless, Busy Society" and it says..."What most strikes me, being back in the United States, is the full force of the restlessness, the loneliness, and the tension that holds so many people. The conversations i had today were about spiritual survival. So many of my friends feel overwhelmed by the many demands made on them; few feel the inner peace and joy they so much desire. To celebrate life together, to be together in community, to simply enjoy the beauty of creation, the love of people and the goodness of God--those seem faraway ideals. There seems to be a mountain of obstacles preventing people from being where their hearts want them to be. It is so painful to watch and experience. The astonishing thing is that the battle for survival has become so "normal" that few people really believe that it can be I want so much to bring them to new places, show them new perspectives, and point out to them new ways. But in this hectic, pressured, competitive, exhausting context, who can really hear me? I even wonder how long I myself can stay in touch with the voice of the spirit when the demons of this world make so much noise. Oh how important is discipline, community, prayer, silence, caring presence, simple listening, adoration, and deep, lasting faithful friendship. We all want it so much, and still the powers suggesting that all of that is fantasy are enormous. But we have to replace the battle for power with the battle to create space for the spirit."
Ok so that is what i was reading and i was connecting Nouwen's thoughts to ideas presented in your blog and things discussed while we were home over Christmas ...i guess i will not make those connections at the moment b/c this is already getting to be more like an essay than a comment but maybe when i see you in Cinci (please don't leave!)we will have a chance to talk...
For now, enjoy your relationships and community in Cincinnati! love you bro!

Anonymous said...

Hey Matt!!! I have finally gone to your website and it's amazing. I just want to let you know that you have such an awesome heart for the Lord. Phil is so blessed to have you as a best friend. He misses you by the way : )
Keep seeking the Lord and he will continue to make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6
Hope you come back to Toledo soon, and we'll be in touch either way because I'll be back on here : )

Kate Petach said...

Matty. Stay as long as you need love and sort things out. It's been so great having you around :)