Saturday, July 5, 2008

Dorm Construction

I realized that I have talked about the dorm building that is under construction, but I don't think I've posted any pictures of what's going on with it....sorry about that. Well, here are a few pictures of where the construction is at. The first floor has been built and work is currently being done to finish this one before the second floor is constructed.

The First Floor

Left Side of the Dorm

Right Side of the Dorm

My task the past day and a half was to put on the door knobs and locks for the two exterior doors of the dorm. It proved to be a bit of a task though for two main reasons. One is that the doors are made of sheet metal and have no thickness to them. That makes it hard to install a door knob and lock that are designed for a wooden door that is an inch and a half thick. The other reason was that we had to relocate the welder, CO2 tank, plasma cutter, and air compressor....and those things are heavy.


I ended up having to create a metal box to add thickness to the door. Then I ground paint of the door and welded the box into place. After that I used the plasma cutter to cut holes in both sides of the door and both sides of the frame where the locking mechanisms engage. I ended up just welding the dead bolt and door release to the frame since wooden screws don't really work that well on sheet metal. In the future we'll be painting everything so it looks nice.

After - Outside

After - Inside

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