Monday, July 14, 2008

A Little Under The Weather

The weekend played out a little differently than I had expected. On Saturday night, around 8:00pm, my stomach started feeling a little funny and I decided I would lay down and maybe go to bed early. Well, I couldn't fall asleep and with every minute that passed by I started feeling worse and worse. You know that feeling where you have to throw-up, and even though you hate it, you wish you would so you could start feeling better? Well it happened around 10:00pm.....and then 20 more times before Sunday morning rolled exaggeration. I lost seven pounds and every ounce of water I had in my body in about twelve hours. Needless to say I didn't get a whole lot of sleep that night.

On Sunday morning I was so thirsty and I hadn't thrown up in around two hours, so I decided to drink a little water. A few minutes later I was back in the bathroom getting rid of everything I just drank. I decided to take some antibiotics with the smallest amount of water possible to swallow it. This seemed to help and after a while I was able to fall asleep for a bit and my fever started to go down. The entire day on Sunday I just laid in bed and would be awake for a half hour, and then would sleep for a couple of hours. This was disappointing because we had our bi-weekly missionary meeting on Sunday, and I didn't get to participate at all. Also, some of the volunteers at Canaan will be leaving this week and it was my last chance to hang out with them before they depart. Today was a slow day and I just sat around reading for a bit and then would have to lie down because I got tired from sitting....that seems pretty pathetic. Anyways, I'm starting to feel better but I don't have a whole lot of energy yet. I just had some Jello tonight and hopefully I'll start getting my appetite back in the near future. Ok, that's all I got for now....I'm off to bed.


amanda said...

Heather wanted me to tell you to make sure and finish taking your antibiotic...a half taken dose does the body no good. Hopefully you are staying more hydrated? Pray you continue to feel better and sorry bout your encounter with extreme vomiting .... Miserable it must have been!

Matt Ruple said...

Yeah, I've heard that about antibiotics before....One thing is that we just have a supply of them here and I'm not sure how many and how long I should take them. The other thing is that most of them expired in early I'm not sure how well they work. Any suggestions?

Anonymous said...

Cipro's expiration date is not accurate. It has been shown to be good for at least seven years.

The Canadian Rx for travelers Diarrhea is 750 mg one time.

The US Rx for the exact same thing is
500 mg every twelve hours for 5 days.

Anonymous said...

i hate to hear you were sick. The expiration dates are a suggestion. I was told that after the expiration the drugs just get weaker, but are still good to combat infections. I took one on my last trip that expired in 1998. I have since learned to read labels before swallowing pills. Hope u are back to normal by now. Don't forget your gatorade. Mama Noel

Kate Petach said...


You poor little thing. I'm praying you get better. Stay hydrating! I can't wait to hear more of your adventures...